
The use of tags across Curiefense

When an incoming request is received, Curiefense generates internal tags and assigns them to it.

Some tags are assigned early, and are used to make decisions about how the request is handled. For example, if a request's IP is found on the Spamhaus DROP list, it might be assigned a tag of "spamhaus". Then an ACL Policy might block the request because it contains that tag.

Some tags can be generated during processing; they reflect the decisions that were made. For example, a request that was blocked because it violated a Rate Limit will be assigned a tag containing that Rate Limit's name. The tag will be shown in the Access Log.

Some tags are defined by the user, while others are generated automatically by Curiefense.

User-Defined Tags

Global Filters are user-defined lists of criteria with one or more associated tags. Requests which match the criteria will be assigned those tags.

A Global Filters List can be based on an external list (e.g., the Spamhaus DROP list), or a user-defined custom list (e.g., a list of IP addresses used by the internal QA team).

Automatic Tags

Many tags are generated automatically by Curiefense. Examples:

  • Every request receives a tag of "all".

  • Every request receives several tags according to its source (the IP address, geolocation, etc.)

  • Every request receives two tags for the Security Policy that it matched (both at the domain level and at the Path Map level).

  • Requests which violate a security policy or have other problems, receive tags with descriptive names (e.g., the name of the policy that was violated).

When tag names are generated from underlying values (IP addresses, security rule names, etc.), hyphens will replace spaces and special characters.

List of automatic tags

  • geo-country:france

  • geo-city:paris

  • geo-region:idf

  • geo-subregion:75

  • geo-continent-code:eu

  • geo-asn:12322

  • geo-continent-name:europe

  • ip:82-64-131-193


  • all

  • bot or human

  • container:curieproxy

Security policy selection

  • aclid:--default--

  • aclname:default-acl

  • securitypolicy-entry:default

  • securitypolicy:default-entry

  • contentfilterid:--default--

  • contentfiltername:default-contentfilter

Triggered by mechanisms

If a Rate Limit is violated, the name of the Rate Limit rule will be added as a tag.

If a Flow Control Policy is violated, the Policy name will be added as a tag

If a Content Filter Rule matches a request, four tags are generated in the following format:

  • cf-rule-id:xxx

  • cf-rule-category:xxx

  • cf-rule-subcategory:xxx

  • cf-rule-risk:xxx

Libinjection tags

If a request matches a libinjection check during Content Filtering, the following tags will be added:

  • cf-rule-id:libinjection-sqli or -xss (per case)

  • cf-rule-risk:libinjection

  • cf-rule-category:libinjection

  • cf-rule-subcategory:libinjection-sqli or -xss (per case)

Examples of automatic tags

Sometimes a request will get two separate tags that seem to be redundant. For example:

  • securitypolicy-default-entry

  • securitypolicy-entry-default

When a Security Policy is matched with a request, a tag is generated for the Security Policy itself, and for the Path Map that was used. If the names are similar (which is often true for default values, as in the example), then the tags can appear to be redundant.

Last updated