Docker Compose

This page describes the tasks necessary to deploy Curiefense using Docker Compose. It assumes that the instructions described in First Tasks have been completed successfully.

This process consists of the following tasks, described sequentially below:

If during this process you need to rebuild an image, see the instructions here: Building/Rebuilding an Image.

TLS Setup

If you want Curiefense to use TLS, then you should have already generated the certificates and keys.

To enable TLS for the protected site/application, go to curiefense/deploy/compose/curiesecrets/curieproxy_ssl/ and do the following:

  • Edit site.crt and add the certificate.

  • Edit site.key and add the key.

To enable TLS for the nginx server that is used by uiserver, go to curiefense/deploy/compose/curiesecrets/uiserver_ssl/and do the following:

  • Edit ui.crt and add the certificate.

  • Edit ui.key and add the key.

Set Database Credentials

The logdb database has two accounts:

  • Thepostgres account has write access, and is used by curielogger.

  • Thelogserver_ro account has read-only access, and is used by curielogserver.

If you wish to change the default passwords for these accounts, you must edit the files in which they are defined:

  • The password for postgres is defined in curiesecrets/logdb/postgres_password.txt.

  • The password for logserver_rois defined in curiesecrets/logdb/ro_password.txt.

Set Deployment Variables

Docker Compose deployments can be configured in two ways:

  • By setting values for variables in deploy/compose/.env

  • Or by setting OS environment variables (which will override any variables set in.env)

These variables are described below.

Curiefense uses the storage defined here for synchronizing configuration changes between confserver and the Curiefense sidecars.

By default, this points to the local_bucket Docker volume:


For multi-node deployments, or to use S3 for a single node, replace this value with the URL of an S3 bucket:


In that case, you will need to supply AWS credentials in deploy/compose/curiesecrets/s3cfg, following this template:



The address of the destination service for which Curiefense acts as a reverse proxy. By default, this points to the echo container, which simply echoes the HTTP requests it receives.


Defaults to latest (the latest stable image). To run a version that matches the contents of your working directory, use the following command:

DOCKER_TAG="$(git describe --tag --long --dirty)-$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD:curiefense)"

Deploy Curiefense

Once the tasks above are completed, run these commands:

cd curiefense/deploy/compose/
docker-compose up

Test the Deployment

After deployment, the Echo service should be running and protected behind Curiefense. You can test the success of the deployment by querying it:

$ curl http://localhost:30081/

Also verify the following:

Clean Up

To stop all containers and remove any persistent data stored in volumes, run the following commands:

docker-compose rm -f && docker volume prune -f

Last updated