WAF Policies

The input controls at the top of this page are described here: Policies & Rules Entry Administration. Specific editing of a WAF Profile is described below.


A WAF Profile is a set of security policies that are used by the Curiefense WAF (Web Application Firewall). Every deployment includes a default WAF Profile, and additional Profiles can be created.

Every URL that Curiefense protects has a WAF Profile assigned to it in URL Maps. (If none is assigned explicitly, the default is used.) A request sent to a URL might, or might not, be filtered according to the assigned Profile.

Reasons why WAF filtering might not occur:

Input Characteristics

At the top of the page, the following values are defined for incoming requests.

Content Filtering and Whitelisting

By default, an incoming request will be compared to all the WAF Rules. If any parameter (any header, cookie, or argument within it) fails this evaluation, the request will be blocked.

However, parameters can be whitelisted and exempted from this filtering. For each parameter, this can be done in two ways:

  • Full exemption is available by specifying a regex pattern which, if it matches the parameter's value, will exempt that parameter from WAF Rule evaluation.

  • Partial exemption is available by specifying a list of WAF Rules which will not be evaluated, even if the regex pattern is not matched.

Along with this content whitelisting, a "positive security" form of content filtering is also available. Curiefense can be configured to require certain content in a specified parameter, and reject requests that do not contain it.

Parameter Content Constraints

The bottom part of the UI defines Curiefense's behavior for both whitelisting and content filtering for each parameter.

In the following discussion, a constraint refers to the values in the UI input controls (Parameter, Matching Value, Restrict?, and Exclude WAF Rule) that have been specified for one parameter.

Each incoming request is processed like this:

This behavior is defined in the following fields in the UI.

Constraints are defined in the same way for Headers, Cookies, and Arguments within their respective tabs.

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