All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[curieconf] Enhance API to allow requesting specific properties of documents
[curieproxy] Add continent data and more country data
[curieproxy] Add geolocation for requests when data is present
[curielogger] Add config file structure
[curieproxy] Add continent data and more country data
[ui] Added 3 categories to tags (legitimate, malicious, neutral)
[curieconf, ui] Added mask boolean field to WAF policy Cookie/Header/Argument
[ui] Added is-single-input-column prop to ResponseAction component
[ui] Added more tests to DocumentSearch component (98%+ Coverage)
[ui] Added routing to document editor page per the following schema: /config/branch/doc_type/doc_id
[ui] Added search page for documents
[ui] Added units suffix (seconds) to TTL in RateLimitsEditor.vue
[ui] Added units suffix (seconds) to TTL in FlowControlEditor.vue
[ui] Added ace json editor to DB editor screen
[ui] Added default textarea json editor when failing to load ace json editor
[ui] Added indicator for missing data in DocumentEditor.vue
[ui] Added indicator for loading data in DocumentEditor.vue
[ui] Added indicator for missing data in DBEditor.vue
[ui] Added indicator for loading data in DBEditor.vue
[ui] Added scrollbar to Burma’s dropdown menu item with max height of 12rem
[confserver] Added an example flow control document to bootstrap data
[confserver] Added basic tags to bootstrap data
[confserver] Add geolite2 city
[curielogger] elasticsearch index: add timestamp field
[images] add fluentd image
[helm] add fluentd support
[helm] add elasticsearch support
[docker-compose] add ELK containers
[helm] deployments: add support for google storage buckets
[helm] deployment: add variables to disable parts of the chart
[curieproxy] add missing lua dependency
[curielogger] Added alpha fluentd support
[curielogger] Added logstash support
[curielogger] Added elasticsearch dumb client
[curieproxy] Added envoy-1.16.2 binary with symbols for lua
[curieconf] Added in-place entry edition in curieconf (server, client, CLI)
[curietasker] Added 'update_and_publish' task
[curietasker] Added 'publish' task
[docker-compose] ELASTICSEARCH_URL added to curielogger entry in compose yaml
[curieproxy] tests branch configuration added
[curieconf] tests branch configuration added
[ui] added links to side menu
[curieproxy] benchmark and tests added
[curieproxy] added debug message for Rust Sig
[curieproxy] rust calls with debug -- :add instead of .add
[curieproxy] debug messages added
[curietasker] log info added for remote debugging
[curietasker] adding jsonschema to setup.y install_requires
[curieproxy] debug added to tagging matching points
[curielogger] Update deployment configs/files
[helm] Update logstash pipeline configuration
[curielogger] Update cflog format and add pg back
[curielogger] Update curielogger for new format
[docker-compose] update env variables for curielogger
[helm] update chart following changes in curielogger
[bootstrap-script] updated version to 1.2.10
[bootstrap-script] Updated axios version to avoid security vulnerability
[confserver] update bootstrap waf signatures
[confserver]: update profiling lists for confdb bootstrap bundle
[ui] Improved performance for EntriesRelationList prop validator
[ui] Replaced all download functions with a new downloadFile function in Utils
[curieconf] Enhance api to allow requesting specific properties of documents
[ui] Use the new enhanced api to drastically improve loading time of “Search Document” page
[ui] Added scrollbar to Burma’s dropdown menu item with max height of 12rem
[ui] Fixed download button in AccessLog component
[ui] Changed colors of JSON Editor menu and mode selector to greyscale
[ui] Hiding "Clear all sections" button in tagrules when source of list is not "self-managed"
[ui] Fix indentation of WAF policy editor and WAF signature viewer content
[ui] Fix bug preventing docs from being downloaded
[ui] Fix name of all download buttons (removed unneeded 'x')
[ui] Now using new document defaults for missing props of documents
[curielogger] Removed postgres support in favor or elasticsearch
[ui] Flow Control - Removed the regex symbol next to Method, Host, and Path
[curielogger] removed addition of hardcoded path to logstash url
[curieproxy] removed reference to bt
[curieproxy] schema removed, waf sig corrected
[curieproxy] Removed old unused schema files
[confserver] Removed unneeded params from bootstrap flow control action prop
[ui] Removed unneeded module from dependencies
[ui] Removed inline styling, !important, tag
[ui] Added main.scss containing general classes
[ui] Removed unneeded whitespace
[ui] Improvements to the ui - general alignment of components throughout the system
[ui] Removed deprecated html tag
[curieproxy] removed logs
[curieproxy] hscan.lus removed
[curieproxy] globals.WAF removed
[ui] Removed unnecessary card wrapper
[ui] Removed conversion of old entries + relation data structure to the new structure, should be received from server in correct new structure
[curietasker] return false removed
[curietasker] removed some more debug prints
[curieconf] remove references to now removed mongobackend package
[curieconf] Removed outdated mongo backend
[curieconf] Removed any loose API calls
[curieconf] Removed duplicated API call in AccessLog.vue
[curielogger] Fix indexpatter for non data stream environments
[deploy, docker-compose] fix use of fluentd
[deploy] fix log check step
[currielogger] elasticsearch mapping: fix types for arrays
[curielogger] omit keys in upstream when there is not upstream (fixes ES)
[ui] fix jest global window
[curielogger] fix json names
[curielogger, helm] elasticsearch: deployment fixes
[ui] Fixed Bug - When creating multiple documents in a row throws an error
[curielogger] Fixed missing fields in request attribute structure
[curieproxy] waf exclude restrict bug fixed
[curieproxy] acl bug fixed
[curieproxy] more debug messages -- bad data type number error fixed
[ui] Fixed download button in AccessLog component
[curieproxy] exclude sig new format bug fixed
[ui] waf reason UI fixed
[images] grafana image: fix permissions for provisioned dashboards & datasources
[ui] Fix indentation of WAF policy editor and WAF signature viewer content
[ui] Fix bug preventing docs from being downloaded
[ui] Fix name of all download buttons (removed unneeded 'x')
[ui] Fix bug where first load of document editor page would not load docs correctly
[confserver] Fixed wrong bucket name in bootstrap data (duplicated prod instead of prod + devops)
[ui] Fix bug where first load of document editor page would not load docs correctly